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Dating back centuries, Hoel Gård is a quaint county retreat celebrated for its bucolic charm and warm hospitality. Hoel Gård is a working farm and sits in Norway’s most fertile agricultural areas. Hoel Gård grows its own potatoes, wheat, barley, Nordic fruits and much more. The hotel focuses on cultivating the best Norwegian ingredients for its dishes as well as the best respite for guests to relax and take in the simpler pleasures of life. The local environment and historic garden are integral to the hotel's history and culture. Guests love being welcomed into a familial community in town and on the farm. For peace and fresh air, Hoel Gård is the perfect countryside escape to enjoy life’s simple pleasures from a simpler time.

Get whisked away to the Norwegian countryside for a peaceful and relaxing retreat at Hoel Gård.

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Get whisked away to the Norwegian countryside for a peaceful and relaxing retreat at Hoel Gård.

Discover the wonderful blend of Norwegian vernacular motifs known as “byggeskikk”.


Discover the wonderful blend of Norwegian vernacular motifs known as “byggeskikk”.

Explore the ancient Nes Church Ruins, the first stone church, built in the 12th century.


Explore the ancient Nes Church Ruins, the first stone church, built in the 12th century.

Experience Norway’s largest climbing park, the Helgøya, featuring 14 trails and 20 ziplines to enjoy.


Experience Norway’s largest climbing park, the Helgøya, featuring 14 trails and 20 ziplines to enjoy.

Taste the freshness of hand-picked native fruits and vegetables directly from the grounds of Hoel Gård.


Taste the freshness of hand-picked native fruits and vegetables directly from the grounds of Hoel Gård.

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