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Discover Hotel Boulderado, which was Boulder’s first luxury hotel and its name was created by merging together Boulder and Colorado.
Hotel Boulderado, a member of Historic Hotels of America since 1996, dates back to 1909.
VIEW TIMELINEListed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Hotel Boulderado stands today as one of the most celebrated landmarks in downtown Boulder, Colorado. The hotel can trace its origins to the City of Boulder itself, for its rapid economic growth in the first decade of the 1900s led to its creation. Boulder had undergone something of a cultural renaissance, as most of the local businesses were thriving unlike ever before. Merchants subsequently traveled to the city in ever greater numbers, arriving daily along the Central Colorado and Denver & Boulder Valley Railroads. The local University of Colorado Boulder attracted scores of people as well, with some 6,000 students residing within the community at the start of the century. Boulder had thus become one of Colorado’s most often visited destinations. As such, many civic leaders inside the city feared that the absence of a spectacular hotel would eventually discourage people from visiting in the future. In 1905, the Boulder Commercial Association began the project by raising the necessary funds to finance its completion. It subsequently sold stocks locally at $100 per share, as opposed to using various private investors. By April of the following year, the community had spent some $75,000 on stock. Furthermore, a few subscribers pooled their own resources together and created the Boulder Hotel Company with James Moorhead as its president. The company immediately set about constructing the new hotel, hiring the architectural firm “Redding & Sons” to design its entire layout. Its team of architects proceeded to create an absolute masterpiece, crafting a five-story brick building that featured a brilliant blend of Italian Renaissance Revival and Spanish Colonial Revival-style aesthetics.
Many throughout Boulder hailed the business’ arrival when it finally debuted on New Year’s Day in 1909. (It would take a few more months to construct the final, fifth floor, however.) The Boulder Hotel Company had decided to christen the structure as the “Hotel Boulderado,” combining the words “Boulder” and “Colorado” to create the latter half of the new name. Hotel Boulderado immediately became the most luxurious hotel in the community, offering daily rates of anywhere between $1 and $2.50 per night. Despite its expensive price tag, people all over town fought to buy a room had dinner inside the beautiful structure. Many branches of local organizations—such as the Lions, the Rotary, and the Kiwanis Club—all hosted weekly meetings at the Hotel Boulderado, such as grand dances and soirees. Shop owners displayed their goods on the fifth floor regularly, while two enterprising businesspeople—Florence Molloy and Mabel MacLeary—operated a taxi company from the hotel. Soon enough, guests all over the nation started to reserve guestrooms in large quantities. Among their number were some of the most illustrious figures of the age, including the likes of Clarence Darrow, Billy Sunday, Helen Keller, Robert Frost, and Louis Armstrong. Overseeing the hotel’s success was the hotel’s management company, Wallace & Sons, and its successors, F.F. Thatcher and Hugh Mark. Business proved to be so great that the Boulder Hotel Company managed to retire its debt in 1925 and paid its first dividends some four years later.
The onset of the Great Depression unfortunately brought Hotel Boulderado’s prosperity to a crashing halt. It struggled immensely to fill its guestrooms, many of which remained empty throughout the duration of the crisis. To make matters worse, the Boulder Hotel Company encountered great financial hardship, despite the efforts of its second president—C.G. Buckingham—to keep it afloat. When Buckingham died in 1940, his nephew, C.E. Buckingham, took over and quickly dissolved the business. Yet, bluer skies were on the horizon for the Hotel Boulderado. William Huston and his son, William Jr., purchased the building shortly thereafter through their own business, the Huston Hotel Company. They invested heavily in the building’s restoration, sparing no expense on improving the entire structure. The Hotel Boulderado immediately returned to being the most luxurious place to stay in downtown Boulder, even opening the upscale “Catacombs Restaurant and Bar” in 1969. (The Hotel Boulderado became the first institution to operate a liquor license in the city once local ordinances enforcing prohibition were overturned in the middle of the century.) The Hotel Boulderado also underwent another major period of renovations in the early 1980s that converted many of the smaller guestrooms into much larger spaces. The architectural firm “Junge Reich Magee” then constructed two annexes that increased the total guestroom amount up to 160. Today, the Hotel Boulderado still maintains its status as Boulder’s most exclusive getaway. A member of Historic Hotels of America since 1996, its magnificent architectural and wonderful institution history continues to charm all who step inside.
About the Location +
In the early 19th century, various American explorers—including Zebulon Pike, Stephen Harriman Long, and John C. Fremont—had spent years navigating the greater Boulder area. In fact, it was one of John C. Fremont’s men, William Gilpin, who first noticed that the region contained vast amounts of natural resources, specifically deposits of gold. When word reached the eastern United States of Gilpin’s discovery, hundreds of American pioneers hitched their wagons and headed west toward the Colorado Rockies. As such, the site of present-day Boulder and its surrounding environs became the epicenter for the subsequent “Colorado Gold Rush.” The first settlers to arrive were a band of prospectors led by Thomas Aikins and his son, James. They immediately went to work establishing a mining camp called “Gold Hill” near Boulder Creek, which accessed a massive buildup of gold. Then, several months later, another prospector named David Horsfal found an even larger lode nearby. News of their success inspired many more people to try their luck, and small, isolated settlements began to emerge in the wilderness among the roaming bands of Native Americans. But in 1859, one of the pioneers—A.A. Brookfield—formed a partnership with Thomas Aikins and some 50 other men to create a town that could cater to the disparate group of miners. Through their Boulder City Town Company, the group began platting a nascent community at the mouth of a canyon. The Boulder City Town Company gradually developed the City of Boulder over the course of the following year, with Brookfield serving as its first president. He specifically presided over the distribution of some 1,200 acres of land, which he parceled out among the shareholders of the Boulder City Town Company.
By the time of the American Civil War, Boulder’s size remained relatively miniscule. Only around 70 rustic log cabins constituted the core of Boulder, with little landscaping present anywhere in the center of town. Undeterred, its earliest residents nonetheless tried to improve upon their new community. They quickly financed the creation of a municipal water system and created the foundations of a modern public-school program. The locals even managed to successfully petition Colorado’s legislature to create a branch of the University of Colorado within the city limits. Mining also continued to play an important role in Boulder, inspiring many enterprising individuals to relocate to the city in spite of its expensive real estate. Prospectors continued to expand their operations well into the late 1800s, discovering additional gold and silver deposits on the outskirts of town. Yet, many merchants and farmers moved into the region, too, encouraged by the town’s prosperous local economy. Chinese and black families were among the new arrivals as well, carving out unique communities for themselves all over Boulder. The settlement was well on its way toward becoming a modern city, especially after the railroads and electricity appeared in the city in the 1870s and 1880s. Perhaps the development that most residents adored was Boulder’s “Chautauqua.” Opened as the “Colorado Chautauqua” in 1898, it was the brainchild of a group of Texans that had moved into Boulder as a means of escaping the sweltering summer heat of their home state. The Chautauqua subsequently offered the Texans a place to vacation in peace with their families, while also promoting self-improvement through a series of social classes held on-site. Today, the Boulder Chautauqua is the only remaining facility of its kind west of the Mississippi and is also recognized as a National Historic Landmark by the U.S. Department of the Interior.
By 1900, the residents of Boulder had taken to calling their town the “Athens of the West.” Its population had now started to explode, with some 6,000 students residing at the University of Colorado Boulder alone. Many new facilities debuted at the school over the next several decades, including dormitories, a library, and a house for its president. Even several military buildings debuted on campus after the outbreak of World War I, which hosted officers affiliated with the university’s Reserve Officer Training Corps. The University of Colorado Boulder continued to be a fixture throughout the rest of the century, eventually numbering well over 20,000 students by the late 1980s. New industries also debuted in Boulder, having long supplanted the historic mining operations that once dominated the local economy. Companies like IBM and Ball Aerospace moved into the city and created thousands of new jobs for its inhabitants. Many more people relocated to Boulder as a result, with some 103,000 residents eventually calling the city home at the start of the 21st century. Today, Boulder continues to be one of Colorado’s most celebrated destinations. It is currently home to many outstanding cultural attractions, such as the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History, Flagstaff Mountain, and the Flatirons. It is close to many more fascinating sites as well, including the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge, the Carolyn Holmberg Preserve at Rock Creek Farm, and the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests.
About the Architecture +
Work on the historic Hotel Boulderado began in the fall of 1906, once the Boulder Hotel Company and its president—James Moorhead—raised the necessary finances to fund its construction. That November, the firm Shinkle and Franklin began the project by laying the hotel’s sandstone foundation. Construction continued for the next two years, with another company—Geranson and Beckstrom—providing the labor. (Yet another business, Larimer Heating and Plumbing, oversaw the installation of its heating, plumbing, and gas systems.) All of the contractors had followed the designs of local architects William Redding, Floyd Redding, and James Cowie. Members of the architectural firm Redding & Sons, the three men had already developed a reputation for their work on the University Hill School, the Boulder Preparatory High School, and the Hagman and Whiteley houses. They envisioned a five-story rectangular building that mirrored the appearance of San Francisco’s renowned Palace Hotel (also a member of Historic Hotels of America). Thick walls layered four bricks deep gave the building a much-needed source of stability and insulation, while a wood and asphalt roof provided protection from the elements. Its exterior featured stunning examples of Italian Renaissance architecture, the most notable of which was its protruding towers. But the façade also incorporated aspects of Spanish Colonial Revival aesthetics, including curvilinear gables, arched windows, and the use of a central courtyard. Inside, Redding & Sons crafted a mesmerizing interior that contained many ornate guestrooms and public spaces. Perhaps the greatest feature of the building’s floorplan was its lobby and mezzanine. A fascinating stained-glass ceiling sat atop the space, designed to replicate the one that had existed within the Palace Hotel prior to the Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906. The architects spared no expense creating the structure, as they imported its cathedral glass directly from Italy. Another stunning component inside the building was its cantilevered, cherrywood staircase, which extended all the way up to the top floor from the basement!
Both Italian Renaissance and Spanish Colonial Revival-style architecture influence the appearance of the Hotel Boulderado. Renaissance Revival architecture itself is a group of architecture revival styles that date back to the 19th century. Neither Grecian nor Gothic in their appearance, Renaissance Revival-style architecture drew inspiration from a wide range of structural motifs found throughout Early Modern Western Europe. Architects in France and Italy were the first to embrace the artistic movement, who saw the architectural forms of the European Renaissance as an opportunity to reinvigorate a sense of civic pride throughout their communities. those intellectuals incorporated the colonnades and low-pitched roofs of Renaissance-era buildings, with the characteristics of Mannerist and Baroque-themed architecture. Yet, the nebulous nature of Renaissance Revival architecture meant that its appearance varied widely across Europe. As such, historians today often find it difficult to provide a specific definition for the architectural movement. On the other hand, Spanish Colonial Revival-style architecture is a replica of themes typically seen in early Spanish colonial settlements. Original Spanish colonial architecture borrowed its design principles from Moorish, Renaissance, and Byzantine forms, which made it incredibly decorative and ornate. Architect Bertram Goodhue was the first to widely popularize Spanish Colonial architecture in the United States, spawning a movement to incorporate the style more broadly in American culture at the beginning of the 20th century. Goodhue received a platform for his designs at the Panama-California Exposition of 1915, in which Spanish Colonial architecture was exposed to a national audience for the first time. His push to preserve the form led to a revivalist movement that saw widespread use of Spanish Colonial architecture throughout the country, specifically in California and Florida. Spanish Colonial Revival-style architecture reached its zenith during the early 1930s, although a few American businesspeople continued to embrace the form well into the 20th century.
Famous Historic Guests +
Ethel Barrymore, American actress regarded as "The First Lady of the American Theatre."
Douglas Fairbanks, actor known for his roles in The Thief of Baghdad, Robin Hood, and The Mark of Zorro.
Billy Sunday, American baseball player who became the most influential American evangelist during the first two decades of the 20th century.
Clarence Darrow, American lawyer known for his involvement in the famous Scopes Trial.
Helen Keller, deaf-blind American author and activist.
Robert Frost, poet and author best remembered for his four Pulitzer Prizes in Poetry.
Benny Goodman, jazz clarinetist and band leader remembered to history as the “King of Swing.”
Louis Armstrong, renowned Jazz musician regarded as one of the most influential figures in the genre.
Enos Mills, American naturalist who was the main figure behind the creation of Rocky Mountain National Park.
Film, TV and Media Connections +
Boulder International Film Festival (BIFF): The Hotel Boulderado has been a proud supporter of the Boulder International Film Festival, as the two have formed a close partnership over the years. The festival itself was founded in 2004 by two sisters from Boulder—filmmakers Kathy and Robin Beeck. Having traveled the world extensively to attend similar festivals, the two felt as if their hometown was well suited to host such an event. Together with the Colorado Film Society, the sisters subsequently debuted what they eventually called the “Boulder International Film Festival” to great acclaim. It has since evolved into one of the leading conferences in the entire movie industry, with MovieMaker Magazine declaring it to be one of the “25 Coolest Film Festivals” in existence. Held annually on President’s Day Weekend, the gathering attracts more than 25,000 film enthusiasts ever year. Many film experts attended the conference, too, ranging from independent directors to some of the biggest critics. Among the guests to travel to the BIFF in the past have included the likes of William H. Macy, Peter Fonda, Chevy Chase, Lawrence Kasdan, Oliver Stone, Martin Sheen, and Shirley McLane. Even the late statesmen and civil rights activist John Lewis made an appearance at the Boulder International Film Festival.
Women in History +
Helen Keller: Helen Keller was one of the many historic guests to visit the Hotel Boulderado over the years. Keller herself was the first deaf-blind person in American history to successfully earn a college degree. According to her biographers, Keller had become afflicted with an unknown illness as a toddler, which greatly impacted her sight and hearing. Her family stopped at nothing to get her the best help available, travelling all the way from their native Alabama to meet with eye, ear, and nose physicians in Baltimore. They, in turn, directed the Kellers to inventor Alexander Graham Bell, who had been working with deaf and blind children at the time. Bell informed the Kellers of a school called the Perkins Institute for the Blind in Boston that would provide the best education for Helen during her youth. Helen Keller was then paired with an alumnus of the academy named Anne Sullivan, who would guide the young girl through her lessons. It was the start of a historic relationship that would be immortalized in a series of films known as The Miracle Worker. Sullivan managed to aid Keller in learning how to communicate through sign language, with her first word being “water.” Keller quickly became proficient at reading sign language with her hands, as well as braille. As she got older, Keller enrolled in The Cambridge School for Young Ladies, and then Harvard University’s Radcliffe College. Keller graduated with top honors from Harvard, leaving the school as a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She then went on to establish a career as an author and motivation speaker that was hailed throughout the world. Keller also had an active political career, becoming a champion for such causes as global pacifism and women’s suffrage. She even helped found the American Civil Liberties Union in 1920. Yet, the cause that Keller is best remembered is her tireless campaigning for the rights of Americans who experienced some form of physical disability. Keller has since received numerous accolades for her work toward the end of her life, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom and a place in the National Women’s Hall of Fame.

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Hotel History: Hotel Boulderado (1909), Boulder, Colorado
By Stanley Turkel, CMHS
The Hotel Boulderado name was created with the combination of city of Boulder and the state of Colorado, a memorable mutation of a state and host city that captures the best of both locations. In the early 1900s, when Boulder was evolving from a dusty frontier town into a small city, many of its residents realized the need for a substantial hotel. In 1905, Boulder was the home to 8,000 residents, the University of Colorado, one of the Chautauqua cultural and educational resorts and twenty-six automobiles. As a newly-created railroad hub, the city needed additional hotel rooms.
What Boulder lacked in population, it made up in civic-based enthusiasm. Its local paper, the Daily Camera wrote, “Enthusiasm, much more than any other outward evidence inspires confidence in the success of this most important undertaking.” One resident wrote, “Now that the football season is over, let us get down to our studies at school and our determination to build a splendid hotel. Let us hit the line hard for Boulder, just as we hit the (Haskell, Kansas) Indians. Teamwork is all that is required. Our Commercial Association has the head work all right, but in chasing the ball of Boulder’s opportunity, it needs team work, a right and left tackle, and a college yell for the hotel.”
The Daily Camera headlines on April 10, 1906 read: “Let Us Rejoice” because the total of seventy-five thousand dollars which was necessary to make the subscriptions binding was surpassed in just four months to nearly eighty thousand. The architectural firm of William Redding & Son was hired and prepared two different schematic drawings which followed a trend of open court hotels started by the Palace Hotel in San Francisco and carried over to Denver’s Brown Palace Hotel, built in 1892. Boulder residents chose the more elaborate five-story design with its spectacular two-story lobby.
In searching for a suitable name for the new hotel, William R. Rathvon, President of the Boulder Commercial Association wrote:
- “The West is full of ‘Grands’ and ‘Palaces’ and ‘Grand Views’ and the like, which mean little or nothing to the traveler who drops his grip on the floor as he registers. Hence, when the name Boulderado was suggested as a composite of both city and state, it was sensibly argued in its behalf, that, in addition to the qualities above named, it was significant and distinctive.”
Rathvon defended the name by stating that the Boulderado would be the only hotel with that name in the world. “It stands for the city of Boulder in the state of Colorado. No matter when or where the words Hotel Boulderado may be heard by anyone who has ever rested beneath its roof, the city of Boulder – not Boulder in Montana, nor Boulder in Illinois – but Boulder in Colorado will instantly come to his mind whether it be one or twenty years after. And when he thinks of Boulder, he will remember the hotel.”
The Hotel Boulderado opened with a gala ball on New Year’s Eve of 1909. The two-story spectacular lobby incorporated a stained glass ceiling over the second floor. All bedrooms had light fixtures that ran on both electricity and natural gas since electricity bought from a power plant between Lafayette and Louisville was undependable on windy days. A huge coal-powered boiler provided steam for the hotel’s radiators and for the steam pipes that ran up to the rain gutters to prevent icing in the winter. Telephones were installed in most of the original seventy-five rooms. Twenty-one had full baths, while most of the others had sinks with hot and cold running water.
On January 1, 1909, the Daily Camera’s reporter wrote:
- “The new Boulderado, the pride of the city, kept open house to her thronging admirers last night. From seven till ten, great crowds surged through the apartments of the beautiful and luxurious hostelry, each individual feeling the joy and pride of a successful builder. Many were the visitors who began to realize, for the first time, the possibilities which such a hotel will open up for Boulder.”
In 1910, the top floor of the hotel, which had never been finished, was furnished with fifteen additional rooms to increase the total to ninety. From 1912 to 1917, William L. Beattie was the Hotel Boulderado’s manager and lessee and looked the part. Every day, he wore a three-piece suit, complete with tie, hat, gloves, diamond stick pin and spats. His assistant manager was Hugh Mark who was his nephew and who, in 1917, became the lessee and manager. Marks daughter, Betty remembered the hotel guests and employees fondly:
- “Dad did a lot of entertaining for these people. He held steak fries on Flagstaff Mountain and took guests on trips to Estes Park and Grand Lake (where Irwin Beattie later would own a guest ranch), as well as shorter outings into the mountains to Gold Hill, Nederland, and Central City.”
Of the employees, three were uncles, and they remained as long as Betty could remember. “They took a great interest in Bill and me, and certainly were part of my education,” she stated. “The engineer showed me how he kept the giant furnace going. I learned to operate the front and service elevators. The housekeeper taught me to use a sewing machine. The waitresses showed me how to set and serve a table and how to make change. Even the bellboys showed me how to get into the ice cream machine when the kitchen was closed.”
Famous guests of the era included attorney Clarence Darrow, poet Robert Frost, and lecturer Helen Keller. Keller had previously been to Boulder and had stayed at the Boulderado, in 1914. When she returned on Valentine’s Day in 1923, three-thousand people packed Macky Auditorium to hear her. Keller and companion, Anne Sullivan, stayed in the southeast corner of the mezzanine in room 205. Author Mark Twain once wrote, “The two most interesting characters of the 19th century are Napoleon and Helen Keller.” When visiting celebrities weren’t available, the Curran Theatre was filled with hotel guests and Boulder residents watching the silent movies. Stars at the time included Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., Charlie Chaplin, Lon Chaney, and even Rin-Tin-Tin. Idol of the early twenties was Rudolph Valentino in “Son of the Sheik.”
Hugh Mark bought out his other partners, became the hotel’s sole lessee and renewed his lease in 1927. He was a leader in almost every organization he joined. Besides his prominence in the Elks Club, he was President of the Rotary Club, Director of the Boulder Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of the Boulder County Republican Committee. Unfortunately, on July 3, 1934, 47-year old Hugh Mark died of a heart attack.
At the start of World War II, William G. Hutson, Sr., owner of the Eldridge Hotel in Lawrence, Kansas, the Hotel State in Kansas City, Missouri and the Hotel Broadwiew in Wichita, Kansas, bought the Hotel Boulderado. Later, in his obituary in Lawrence, Kansas newspaper, the senior Hutson was called “one in a million, the old-fashioned hotel-keeper, the genial host, the fun-maker, and the sagacious businessman who succeeded where countless others failed. He was also the Kansas state pinochle champion.” Hutson, Sr. turned over the management of the Boulderado to his son, 30-year-old Bill Hutson as a wedding present. Bill had attended the Cornell University School of Hotel Management. When World War II began, Bill became a civilian flight instructor in the Air Corps program at Boulder Airport. Then, in 1942, he joined the U.S. Army Air Corps and was stationed in California, Arizona and Texas. When the war ended in August 1945, Bill returned to Boulderado and instituted the long-delayed renovation program.
Nevertheless, the hotel fell on hard times culminating when a wet and heavy Halloween snow storm cracked some of the panes in the rooftop skylight. Chunks of glass fell to the stained glass ceiling below. Then William Hutson, Sr. died on December 6th at the age of seventy-nine. His son, Bill Jr. died just four months later from an overdose of insulin at age of fifty.
By the 1960s, the Boulderado was reported to be “a rundown dirty old place with soot on the walls over the lobby radiators and cobwebs hanging about.” The much-praised imported cathedral glass ceiling over the lobby was removed in September 1960 because the management believed that the leaded stained-glass was old-fashioned and outdated. It was replaced with colored plastic plexiglass.
After seven years of deterioration and indifferent management by Court Plaza, Inc. under Louis Weinberger’s ownership, the Boulderado was sold in 1976 and again in 1978 and 1980. Finally, the new managing general partner Frank B. Day authorized a complete renovation of the hotel from top to bottom. A headline in the Daily Camera, read, “Hotel Reopens With Old World Elegance.” The Boulderado became so successful that a north wing was built which added 61 additional rooms to the hotel at the cost of four million dollars. Even with the new rooms occupancy continued to be so strong that a 48-room addition was added and opened in November 1989. In 1995, the Hotel Boulderado was placed in the National Register of Historic Places.
In 2005, exactly one hundred years after the major citizens of Boulder created their “hotel proposal”, owner Sid Anderson’s management company completed twenty-seven years of operation and restoration. This beautiful landmark building with its Italianate and Spanish Renaissance architectural elements has been restored to its original grandeur from the stained glass canopy above the lobby and cantileveled cherry wood staircase, to the elegant antique and Victorian-style furnishings.
The Hotel Boulderado is a member of Historic Hotels of America and the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
About Stanley Turkel, CMHS
Stanley Turkel is a recognized consultant in the hotel industry. He operates his hotel consulting practice serving as an expert witness in hotel-related cases and providing asset management an and hotel franchising consultation. Prior to forming his hotel consulting firm, Turkel was the Product Line Manager for worldwide Hotel/Motel Operations at the International Telephone & Telegraph Co. overseeing the Sheraton Corporation of America. Before joining IT&T, he was the Resident Manager of the Americana Hotel (1842 Rooms), General Manager of the Drake Hotel (680 Rooms) and General Manager of the Summit Hotel (762 Rooms), all in New York City. He serves as a Friend of the Tisch Center and lectures at the NYU Tisch Center for Hospitality and Tourism. He is certified as a Master Hotel Supplier Emeritus by the Educational Institute of the American Hotel and Lodging Association. He served for eleven years as Chairman of the Board of the Trustees of the City Club of New York and is now the Honorary Chairman.
Stanley Turkel is one of the most widely-published authors in the hospitality field. More than 275 articles on various hotel subjects have been posted in hotel magazines and on the Hotel-Online, Blue MauMau, Hotel News Resource and eTurboNews websites. Two of his hotel books have been promoted, distributed and sold by the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (Great American Hoteliers: Pioneers of the Hotel Industry and Built To Last: 100+ Year-Old Hotels East of the Mississippi). A third hotel book (Built To Last: 100+ Year-Old Hotels in New York) was called "passionate and informative" by the New York Times. Executive Vice President of Historic Hotels of America, Lawrence Horwitz, has even praised one book, Great American Hoteliers Volume 2: Pioneers of the Hotel Industry:
- “If you have ever been in a hotel, as a guest, attended a conference, enjoyed a romantic dinner, celebrated a special occasion, or worked as a hotelier in the front or back of the house, Great American Hoteliers, Volume 2: Pioneers of the Hotel Industry is a must read book. This book is recommended for any business person, entrepreneur, student, or aspiring hotelier. This book is an excellent history book with insights into seventeen of the great innovators and visionaries of the hotel industry and their inspirational stories.”
Turkel was designated as the “2014 Historian of the Year by Historic Hotels of America,” the official program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. This award is presented to an individual for making a unique contribution in the research and presentation of history and whose work has encouraged a wide discussion, greater understanding and enthusiasm for American History.
Works published by Stanley Turkel include:
- Heroes of the American Reconstruction (2005)
- Great American Hoteliers: Pioneers of the Hotel Industry (2009)
- Built To Last: 100+ Year-Old Hotels in New York (2011)
- Built To Last: 100+ Year-Old Hotels East of the Mississippi (2013)
- Hotel Mavens: Lucius M. Boomer, George C. Boldt and Oscar of the Waldorf (2014)
- Great American Hoteliers Volume 2: Pioneers of the Hotel Industry (2016)
- Built To Last: 100+ Year-Old Hotels West of the Mississippi (2017)
- Hotel Mavens Volume 2: Henry Morrison Flagler, Henry Bradley Plant, Carl Graham Fisher (2018)
- Great American Hotel Architects Volume 1 (2019)
- Hotel Mavens Volume 3: Bob and Larry Tisch, Curt Strand, Ralph Hitz, Cesar Ritz, Raymond Orteig (2020)
Most of these books can be ordered from AuthorHouse—(except Heroes of the American Reconstruction, which can be ordered from McFarland)—by visiting, or by clicking on the book’s title.